Sunday, March 27, 2011

What Makes You Get An Erection

Plaza de los Cristianos

This park of 7900 m2 was seeking to improve residual space qualified as a green area of \u200b\u200bthe current management plan for the tourist resort of Los Cristianos.

has raised the maintenance and improvement of existing footpaths together with hospitality towards partitioning into several spaces that allow functional use of the space available. The landscaping has been the mitigation of adverse visual effects arising from the adjacent building along with the widespread provision of shade.

The action has been completed with the usual complement of furniture and lighting.

commissioned by the Cabildo of Tenerife Tourism and Landscape area between 2006-2008, this paper designed and built by a task force organized by CPPA Architects headed by Federico García Barba and Jorge Mosquera collaboration with Carlos Barceló and Christ Marquis Knight Santana and advice Moricci Carlo (Biologist)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

How Does Eating Salty Foods Affect Blood Vessels


Paratge Projecte of Restauració of Tudela-Culip (Club Med) at the Parc Natural del Cap de Creus from ieLei Audiovisual Producció on Vimeo .

in recent years has been high media profile in the Canary Islands the controversy over the demolition of illegal buildings linked to the coastal environment following the entry into force of the famous Coastal Act.

Surfing the net I found this statement made in the Cabo de Creus, Catalonia (EMF landscape architects) as a clear example of action designed to restore landscape original appearance of the place after the indiscriminate coastal settlement.

The problem arises from the resort built by the Club Med in 1961 in this Mediterranean. With increasing environmental awareness in Spain is declared as the Cabo de Creus Park Nature in 1998, remaining active tourist enclave inside the enclosed area until 2003, when it closes.

Promoted by the Ministry of Environment, Rural and Marine Affairs and the Generalitat de Catalunya was decided to conduct a performance landscape that includes the demolition of disused buildings with a series of interventions to restore the ecological dynamics this place and enhance the social and recreational value of this coastal environment.